You are Awakening. 
Your life seems to be moving faster and getting more intense as the lessons, opportunities for growth and wisdom just ... keep coming. 
You're integrating them as best you can as you share your newfound Truth with your own clients and community.
You're on Your Path.
The pull to step more fully into your Purpose + Genius where your work shines brighter than ever is very real.
But you feel like you're still carrying around ghosts from past versions of you. This is keeping you from spending your wings and flying.
The deep, emotional weight is ready to GO.
It's time for Liberation.
Signs you're ready for Deep, Embodied Emotional Healing:
  • You feel a deeper purpose emerging, aliveness surging and creativity brewing.  You know it's time to step in but your old patterns and identity are holding on making this new way feel ...elusive and challenging to access.
  • The emotions you used to avoid or resist are getting louder and you're ready to face them head on - but you're scared of what this will open up. 
  • You're sick and tired of the outdated structures and systems you were born into and may still have embedded in your body + life. You're ready to unravel them and create something new ...  but can't seem to figure out how
  • You have insights, wisdom and experience that is ready to be shared fully, but you're scared people will think you're crazy and ... staying silent is making YOU crazy.  
  • Your Heart is opening and this expansion feels both powerful + vulnerable. You want to be unleashed, but are afraid of what will be burned down. So you keep tolerating less than what you truly desire ... the mediocrity is killing you. 


If you identify with any of this I want you to know what you're experiencing is actually very exciting. You're in the right place, Love. I'm going to help you move forward, fully.

I’ll guide you past your conscious mind and into your body and your subconscious, where divine knowledge and truth reside. I believe you are a powerful energy worker and have access to infinite wisdom and powerful healing when you’re willing to meet, understand and alchemize emotions in this deeper way. 

I'll bring my sharp intuitive skills and healing gifts to this call. If you’re ready and open to receive this work then this is what you can expect in this 90-minute call:


Your JUICIEST Desire


It's time to receive what your heart truly wants now. You're ready to open up and embody a new frequency in your life that will become your creative superpower. 


The Familiar Resistance


As you embody a higher frequency energy, the old emotions show up with the same old song and dance. 

Let's clear it.


The Reclamation of Self.


There is a part of you that's been stuck, hidden and silent. She doesn't want to miss what is about to happen. In fact, you need her to help you create it. This is where the breakthrough is.


Your Destiny Revealed


With the integration of previously unconscious knowledge new + potent clarity emerges. Let’s map out your next steps into greater possibilities.


This call intended to help you understand and shift energy deep in your body  that is impacting all areas of your life. Together, will tap into the potential of who you're ready to become, what you create from here and the ripple effect this has on your life + every one around you. 

Regardless if we continue to work together in a Client | Coach Relationship - I will show you what you can do to integrate what comes up on the call into your life.

If we both feel working together is the next best step, I can show you what this looks like.

Thank you for this opportunity to show you how to go deeper into your body, access the energies that are showing up here for you so that you can shift + integrate new, more powerful frequencies into your life. It is truly an honor and blessing for me in my life. 

Let's Do This!